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Message about 11-03-11.

We continue to get questions regarding whether we are still in business so it has come time to answer this for the record...

As you have seen on the Internet, November 3rd 2011 our founder was detained by the Fraud Bureau of the Brevard County Sheriff's Office.

February 3rd 2012, just three months later, we received the following notice from Brevard County Prosecutors Office:
"does not intend to present papers at his time".

This means they do not intend to CHARGE Mr. Ciener with a crime as the evidence does not support that a criminal activity had taken place.

This action was follow up to:

Jonathan Arthur Ciener, Inc.
has been in business designing and building highest quality innovative products
for the Shooting Sport afficionados for thirty five years (1976).
In those many years due to the demand for that quality and innovation, we have never had enough product to fill the demand.
Often times the wait for one item or another was as much as or more than a year BUT most importantly the orders were filled.
Vastly more items were shipped immediately upon receipt of payment!

Several times when the extended delivery finally was made, we included an extra magazine at no charge in apology.
Many times we heard back from customers that the wait was worth it as the product exceeded their expectations.

The investigation centered around two (2) of our .22lr conversions, the Glock and AK47, that we had fallen woefully behind in delivery.
The delay was related to implementations of product improvements, production improvements and machine mechanical failures.
Over this same period of time we were current on shipping ALL the rest of our designs as evidenced to the Prosecutor�s Office by USPS and UPS shipping records.
We were behind in less than 5% of total business over the period.

OF MOST IMPORTANCE, in all the years in business NOT one customer was "Defrauded".
I was not raised that way.
Additionally, I have been defrauded by people selling something they did not have, know how it feels and don�t like it, so why would I do it to others?

As you can see our order pages are marked with "O/S" which stands for "Out of Stock" for any items we do not have on the shelf ready for shipment.
Pages are well noted that we do NOT accept orders for out of stock items and if an order is received it is immediately returned.
Additionally, we accept credit card payments, for items in stock, so you have that additional protection.


Jonathan Arthur Ciener, Inc.
8700 Commerce Street    Cape Canaveral, FL 32920    321 868-2200    Fax  321 868-2201

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