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These Caliber Conversions contain all the parts necessary to change your firearm from it's existing caliber down to the inexpensive .22LR rimfire cartridge.  The conversion takes just minutes, and is achieved with no permanent alterations to your firearm.  It can be quickly returned to it's original caliber.


The "Ciener"                                                    
Submachine Gun
.22LR Conversion Kits

"Field strip" your gun, install conversion parts, re-assemble gun, insert the .22LR magazine, SHOOT .22LR.  Takes minutes and with no gunsmithing needed.  It's just that easy!

Unit in 1928

"All" kit in fitted case

There are 3 kits available:

"Basic" Kit for 1921/28 or M1/M1A1 w/1 30 RD. Magazine. - $499.00
Parkerized/matte black anodized, specify model & w/ or w/o Cutts comp.

"All" Kit for 1921/28 & M1/M1A1 w/2 30 RD. Magazines. - $749.00
Parkerized/matte black anodized, includes parts for w/ & w/o Cutts.

"Deluxe" Kit for 1921/28 & M1/M1A1 w/1 20 & 1 30 RD. Magazine. - $849.00
Hi-Lustre blue/gloss black anodized, includes parts for w/ & w/o Cutts.

Spare 10, 20 or 30 round Magazine - $99.00 (All Metal)


Unit in "JAC's" M1A1

M1A1 "Basic" kit in fitted case


1921/28 w/ Cutts "Basic" Kit in fitted case

1921/28 w/o Cutts "Basic" kit in fitted case


"Deluxe" kit in fitted case



and have a major "BLAST" with your "TOMMY"

And DON'T forget to order spare magazines, you'll want'm!


Please check order page to see if the model you would like is currently in stock.  

If it is not and you would like to be informed when it is again in stock please e-mail sales14@22lrconversions.com 

We do not accept orders for any item not in stock and available for immediate shipment.

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