JONATHAN ARTHUR CIENER, INC. will replace or adjust to its commercial standard any device
returned prepaid to the factory, along with sales receipt, found by us to be defective in either materials or workmanship.
Such service will be made free of charge for one year from date of purchase.
This service shall apply ONLY to the original retail purchaser or end user.
This warranty and statement of liability supersedes all previous warranties and commitments.
Any unauthorized modifications voids all warranties.



This device is classified as a FIREARM ACCESSORY and is surrendered by us with the express understanding that we assume NO LIABILITY for its re-sale or safe handling under local laws and regulations. JONATHAN ARTHUR CIENER, INC. assumes no responsibility for damage to the firearm it is installed on, for physical injury or property damage resulting from either intentional or accidental discharge, or for the function of any device subjected to influences beyond their control, and will honor no claims which may result from careless handling, unauthorized adjustment, alterations, modifications, defective or improper ammunition, corrosion, neglect, or condition of the firearm it is installed on. The receipt and use of this product implies understanding of, agreement with, and acceptance of this statement of liability.


Please note the following:

All .22LR Conversions AND all spare magazines are test fired on/in our OEM Firearms using Remington 40 grain, round nose/solid point, Hi-Velocity ammunition.  These firearms are maintained in the finest condition and replaced regularly to maintain OEM manufacturing specifications.  By doing this we have a certainty that they will work on properly manufactured / maintained customer's firearms.

Customers who may be experiencing a problem with one of our conversions are advised to refer to the included instruction booklet to assure they are following the very specific information.  If this does not alleviate the functioning problem they are MOST strongly advised to forward the receiver of their firearm (only) with the conversion unit AND all spare magazines so we may verify why the unit tested perfect on our firearm but is experiencing a problem on theirs.  Absolutely no modifications to the supplied firearm frame will be performed.  It is only for our testing AND verification of proper functioning before return of the conversion.

BE ADVISED if the problem being experienced is due to the customer not following instructions in the included instruction booklet or an anomaly of the customer's firearm, there will be charges for our verification of customer error or adjustment of our conversion to overcome the firearm's anomaly.

Any units sent for service/repair outside the ONE year warranty or without proof of original retail purchase within the ONE year, as noted above, will carry a minimum $50.00 service charge, charges for any parts required and $10.00 return shipping.  Invoice for these charges will be mailed for pre-payment before return of the unit.


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